Technical Innovations are the driving force in our company. Therefore we are a reliable partner for research institutes and universities. Together with these institutes for Research and Development, we elaborate continuously sustainable solutions for the wafer / substrate treatments of the future. As we do so, we contribute our engineering know how to the wet chemical processes of the future.
Exemplary, some of the institutes for Research and Development, we work together:
- Fraunhofer IZM: Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration
.. the shown equipment was designed, manufactured and set up by our company (source: welcome page of the IZM) - Fraunhofer IPMS: Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme
.. in the pdf „MEMS & MOEMS: Services, Capabilities, Infrastructure“ on page 10 right hand side, you can find an equipment from RAMGRABER - Universität Stuttgart
- Technische Universität Dresden